JokiFest Location updated -
The location for the fall JokiFest has been updated with specific directions.
The games page is also updated with the current planned list of games.
Site updated with new features and photos -
The JokiFest site has a few new sections. There is a new 'Forum'
section for random discussion. I'm going to try to reserve the mailing list for
more infrequent announcements. There is a new 'Games' section as well into which
I'll be adding all of our current games with links to patches and mods that we
use. The 'Locations' section has info about JokiFest sites, past and present. There
are a bunch of cool shots of the new place in Maine up there.
Finally I added a few more photos for JokiFest 3.
JokiFest 6 is scheduled! Dates set for 9/22 to 9/28 -
After a couple of communication lags I've managed to lock in the dates for
JokiFest 6 at the new location in Maine. Details on the new location
can be found in the directions page.
JokiFest archives now have photos -
Actually these photos were posted about a month ago but I didn't update the
news page. Check out the Archives section to see photos from various previous
JokiFests. I'm looking for more pictures so send an email my way if
you have additional photos.
We now have R/C Boats! - 09/03/2002
Okay, so you may not all be as excited as Bill and I about this but
we've added R/C boats to the festivities. A number of R/C boats will be racing
around the lake this year in contests of skill and sobriety (or lack thereof).
Look forward to many hours of five minutes sessions between battery recharging. Boo-yah!
JokiFest 5.0 Date is Set for 9/30-10/6, 2002
- 08/03/2002
After putting off scheduling for far too long I've finalized the JokiFest
plans. We'll be returning to the same house in the Berkshires this year.
The week has been reserved and we're ready to go. It sounds like a lot
of people are talking about taking the whole week this year so we should
have a good full house.
JokiFest 4.0 and 4.5 are Successes: Gaming, Booze
and No Spew! - 08/03/2002
In the long interim between JokiFest website updates we've returned
from JokiFest 4.0, had our second mid-year fest, JokiFest 4.5, in Boston and
are getting set for Year 5. So by now we should have concluded the Shadow
War and moved onto our crappy plotline. No, that's not true, we're not that
JokiFest Site Returns from Dead - 08/03/2002
After many, many months of downtime the JokiFest site is back! I'll
try to keep it updated for at least the next few months including listing
who's coming this year and when as I know it.
JokiFest Begins! - 10/8/2001
Well Brad, Biggles, Pete, Gabe and I are all headed up to the house
in a few hours. Remember to bring sheets or a sleeping bag. And towels, for
that matter. And beer. Lots of beer. I added the house phone number to
the directions in case cell phones don't work to reach us. See ya soon.
Web Site Goes Live - 09/26/2001
With just under two weeks to go until JokiFest 4.0, the Official JokiFest
Web Site has gone live. Return to this page for future updates about this
year's gathering.